Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Old one...

This photo is a couple of years old, I took it before I got my system camera (important
moment in life :D). So even if its "bad" quality I love it because it captures cosy Christmas
time in Sweden.



Monday, December 29, 2014

Baking time

I was so happy to find individual tart modules with removable bottom and finally I put them
to use. How lovely are these? Perfect combination of buttery dough, sweet vanilla cream (like
thick custard) and sour currants. 



Saturday, December 27, 2014

How did we end up here?!

My evil husband thought it was great idea to go iceskating... There was no gate (!) so
naturally we used for the most part little kids wood-support-learning-thing... Surprisingly in
the end we managed to...move... without a support...moving just one leg :D Respect!



Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I had a "black faze" a few years ago and since then I mostly buy warm brown/beige/white
those kind of colours. However I think I rediscovered my love for black since is all I buy
lately...so chic!